What we do


Garden management and clearance

Need help getting clearing the undergrowth? Let us take the stress out of garden maintenance and clear the way to your perfect outdoor space.

Hedge laying and hedgerow management

We offer an extensive range of hedgerow management and specialise in the traditional craft of hedge laying. We offer a free site visit, assessment and plan tailored to your specific needs and site requirements.

Traditional fencing & dead hedging

Depending on your preference, we can create boundaries using traditional post and rail fencing or by dead hedging - the practice of using brash and other ‘waste’ from coppicing and clearing to create a hedge that the birds and insects will love.


Wild meadow creation and management

Wild meadows are a thing of beauty, both in terms of their aesthetic but also because, once sown, they are very low maintenance. Using native seed mixes, we can turn unused fields into vibrant habitats where insect and bird life can thrive.

Habitat creation

If you want to encourage wildlife to your land or garden, you sometimes have to give it a helping hand. We can restore or create ponds and surrounding habitats to encourage amphibians and wider biodiversity.

Small woodland management

We advocate for the use of traditional, woodland management techniques, including coppicing, ride management, which encourages a variety of habitats, aiding biodiversity. Where possible, we also champion leaving dead wood to rot as this helps the underground mycorrhizal networks.