Recent examples of Everitt Countryside work
Dead hedge, Fairlight
The benefits of a dead hedge include ‘green highway’ creation, e.g. linking two habitats together. In this case the goal was to link two areas occupied by dormice. Depending on the availability of brash - the material used - a dead hedge can be created relatively quickly. This example is 200 metres in length and was completed in three days.
Habitat creation for newts, Appledore
As part of a mitigation for a nearby development, Walkers Construction and Natural England contracted Everitt Countryside to create a series of interconnecting newt habitats.
Coppicing, Goudhurst
Coppicing is an ancient form of woodland management, providing a regular source of of usable timber as well as creating the mosaic pattern of woodland that is so vital for biodiversity. It takes roughly a week to fell, stack and grade an acre of sweet chestnut coppice (times vary depending on the species).